═══ 1. Task Timer ═══ Task Timer Task Timer will do some book keeping for you while you are working on your computer. All you have to do, is to tell Task Timer whenever you start working on a new project-task. Task Timer will stay minimized on the desktop and show the actual project-task in the icon title. For more detailed information on certain subjects choose from ■ Installation ■ New Time ■ Log File ■ Help ═══ 2. Installation ═══ Installing Task Timer To run Task Timer, copy the files tasktime.exe and tasktime.hlp to a directory, where you usually keep your utilities. Now create an icon in one of your favourite folders setting the Minimized button behaviour to Minimize window to desktop. I also suggest that you put a shadow of the Task Timer object in your startup folder, to have it started whenever your system starts up. To enable Task Timer to access its help file, either include the directory holding tasktime.hlp in the HELP path or specify the path under Working directory. ═══ 3. New Time ═══ The main dialog of Task Timer Choose subject from list or click an area of the dialog to get more information. ■ Project List Box ■ Task List Box ■ OK Button ■ Cancel Button ■ Delete Button ■ Help Button ═══ 3.1. Project List Box ═══ Select new projekt Select a new project from the list box by clicking it or type the name of a new project in the edit field. Selecting another project will change the contents of the task list box accordingly. ═══ 3.2. Task List Box ═══ Select new task Select a new task from the list box by clicking it or type the name of a new task in the edit field. ═══ 3.3. Ok Button ═══ Confirm Selection By pressing the OK button you confirm the actual selection in the project list and task list. The timing for the new selection is then started and any old project-task is filed to the log file. ═══ 3.4. Cancel Button ═══ Cancel Selection By pressing the Cancel button you cancel any selection done. Time keeps running for the previous project-task. ═══ 3.5. Delete Button ═══ Delete Selection By pressing the Delete button you delete the actual selected task specific to the actual selected project. A project with an empty task list will be automatically deleted as well. ═══ 3.6. Help Button ═══ Help on Dialog By pressing the Help button you will receive specific help on this dialog. ═══ 4. Log File ═══ The log file layout When closing the program or selecting a new project-task, a log file entry will be written to the log file tasktime.dat, in the same directory where tasktime.exe resides. project name─┐ task name──────────┐ │ │ Project [Task Timer] - Task [Building help] 04.07.1993 10:53 - 12:21 = 1:28 h │ │ │ └─time spent │ │ └─end time │ └─start time └─start date ═══ 5. Help ═══ Select various help on the system ■ Help contents ■ General help ■ Help using help ■ About ═══ 5.1. Help Contents ═══ By choosing this menu entry, you can invoke the help file's contents. ═══ 5.2. General Help ═══ Choosing this menu entry leads to the application's general help panel. ═══ 5.3. Help Using Help ═══ By choosing this menu entry, you can invoke the system's Help on using help. ═══ 5.4. About ═══ About the program This programm was written after an idea of Les Clarks Time Keeper. His program has a few unpleasant features amoung which, the registration fee is the most unpleasant. So I wrote my own version which is free of charge and runs as a little icon on the desktop .